TxDot Public Meeting
April 16, 2019 • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
TxDot Public Meeting
Beaumont Civic Center
Tuesday, April 16
5pm – 7pm
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Beaumont District will host a Public Meeting to gather input on the proposed Interstate 10 (I-10)/US 69 Interchange Improvement project, which includes reconstructing and expanding I-10 and US 69 where they converge in Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas. The approximately five-mile project would widen the existing I-10 and US 69 roadways from Walden Road (County Road 131) north to US 90 (College Street), and then also from Hollywood Overpass east to 7th Street in each direction from four to six lanes. The project also includes relocating I-10 ramps and constructing two-lane direct connectors, or elevated flyover ramps, where I-10 and US 69 converge. In addition, changes to the Maury Meyers Bridge (Liberty/Laurel Overpass) may be necessary to meet freight standards. The project would improve mobility, reduce congestion, and improve emergency evacuation.