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Symphony Concert – “A Broadway Celebration: Melissa Errico Sings Sondheim”
March 16, 2024
Julie Rogers Theatre

Seating is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. To purchase tickets or get more information, go to www.sost.org or contact the Symphony office at (409) 892-2257.

Melissa Errico is a woman of stage, screen, and song—a great interpreter of classic musicals and modern music alike, as well as a sparkling writer, recording artist, and film/television actress. “The Maria Callas of American musical theater,” as Opera News has called her, referencing both her silken voice and dramatic, expressive intensity, her 2018 album Sondheim Sublime was called by The Wall Street Journal “The best all-Sondheim album ever recorded. The New Yorker honored her as the finest interpreter of Sondheim’s music in America today.

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