India Fest 2017
November 18, 2017 • 5:30 pm
India Fest 2017
Hosted by India Association of Southeast Texas
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Beaumont Civic Center
Social Hour | Keynote Speaker & Cultural Program | Indian Cuisine | Indian Bazaar
For the past 25 years, Indian American Community of Southeast Texas has organized India Fest as an attempt to provide a flavor of the diversity of India for the residents of Southeast Texas. While India Fest showcases the culture and its’ food, its’ main purpose is to serve as a fundraiser for various charitable organizations such as March of Dimes, Boys Haven, Beaumont Police and Fire Departments, American Cancer Society and the American Red Cross in response to any disasters worldwide. This year, the India Association of Southeast Texas celebrates India Fest with an underlying commitment to donate all the net proceeds to help fellow Southeast Texans recover from the havoc caused by Hurricane Harvey.
Visit iastbmt.org/indiafest-2017 for tickets and more information.