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Gift of Life Walk of Survivorship
October 7, 2017 • 11:00 am
| $30Gift of Life Julie Richardson Procter
Walk of Survivorship
Saturday, October 7
Downtown Beaumont
$30 Walk Registration
8:30am Walk Registration
10:00am Event Kick-Off
10:30am Walk of Survivorship
11:15am Celebration Ceremony
Inspired by Southeast Texans’ strong spirit following Hurricane Harvey, the Gift of Life will continue its efforts to celebrate life, hope and survivorship.
Join the Gift of Life for a heartwarming Walk of Survivorship, featuring renowned vocalist Yvonne Washington and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author and Sweet Potato Queen Jill Conner Browne.
It’s a family affair – pets, wagons, strollers welcome!
Contact the Gift of Life at (409) 833-3663 or visit golribbonrun.org for more information.