Boomtown presents The Cabinet of Dr. Caigari
July 23, 2022 • 8:00 pm
Boomtown Film Society presents The Cabinet of Dr. Caigari
Doors 6pm
Movie 7pm
Tickets are on sale now at Ticketmaster.com or at the Beaumont Civic Center Box Office (open M-F, 10am – 1pm).
Four Southeast Texas composers have produced an all-new original musical score for the 1920 silent horror film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”, with each composer individually writing music in their own style for a different 20 minute segment of the movie.
This never-before-heard score will be exhibited with a restored print of “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” at a world premiere on Saturday, July 23 at the historic Jefferson Theatre. This screening will include English language titles.
A defining work of expressionist cinema, “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” is filled with dream-like visuals. The story is set in a German town that is suddenly plagued by unexplained murders just as a carnival arrives. Clues indicate that the crimes may be tied to a sleepwalker with the power to foretell the future, and who is kept as a carnival exhibit by the mysterious Dr. Caligari.
Southeast Texas composers who contributed to this all-new score include: Caden L Welborn, Isaiah Grande, Fatih Baha Omeroglu and RMStringer
This is a project of the Boomtown Film Society, funded in part by the B.A. & E.W. Steinhagen Benevolent Trust through the Southeast Texas Arts Council.