“Blacksmith” Premiere
October 28, 2017 • 8:00 pm
Oskar Films to premiere debut documentary “Blacksmith”
Jefferson Theatre
Saturday, October 28
Produced in conjunction with Lamar University, “Blacksmith” is a documentary that highlights the work of Rob Flurry, the resident blacksmith at the Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum (http://www.lamar.edu/spindletop-gladys-city/index.html) in Beaumont, Texas. Unlike the blacksmiths portrayed in the media today, Flurry’s craftsmanship is that of the old-school artisan – no expensive equipment; no modern forge in which to work. Instead, Flurry relies solely on nature’s elements of fire, iron, air, and water (along with his own strength) to hammer out beautiful creations within the smoky furnace of his shop.
Frank DiCesare, president and CEO of Oskar Films said, “I would like to thank Rob, Spindletop, Mahmoud Salimi, Tyler Hargraves, the Lamar University Office of Communications, and the city of Beaumont, for their invaluable help with this project. Through four months of late-night filming, these individuals supported my vision for a short film on the art of blacksmithing and helped make it a reality.”
“Blacksmith” was filmed in the tradition of poetic documentary – no voice overs, monologue or dialogue is spoken. All of the action is put to music that compliments the mood of the scene.
Following the premiere of “Blacksmith,” a short film titled, “Fire and Steel,” will be screened in which Flurry discusses how he got into blacksmithing, what the art means to him and where it’s going in today’s world of automation. Mr. DiCesare and Mr. Flurry will take questions from the audience after both films are shown. Trailers for “Blacksmith” and “Fire and Steel” can be viewed at http://www.frankdicesarephoto.com/oskar-films.
For interview requests or additional information, contact Frank DiCesare: (941) 465-6111 or at [email protected].